GTO Conferences

GTO Annual World Conferences

GTO is pleased to present below the conference locations, dates and photos from the first 20 Annual GTO World Conferences.
The GTO Board of Directors had carefully planned to hold the 21st Annual GTO World Conference in a location in Europe in June, 2020. An excellent location and dates were selected.
However, GTO HQ communicated with the management of many GTO Member companies and continually monitored developments in connection with the Coronavirus / Covid-19 Pandemic. The GTO Board of Directors waited until the last possible moment but finally reached a decision to cancel plans for the event. At no point did the GTO Board of Directors wish to place any GTO Member representative at risk by holding an Annual GTO World Conference during the Pandemic. International travel restrictions confirmed the decision of the GTO Board of Directors was appropriate.
As of December 1, 2020, the GTO Board of Directors has not reached any decision(s) with regard to resuming the Annual GTO World Conferences. We shall not do so until there is a realistic assessment concerning the Pandemic situation. Any decision(s) or information on this matter shall be announced in GTO NEWS and updated in this website area. Anyone with any questions may send inquiries to